Finally, compare the forwarding and inversion on land with it in tunnel, and find that the noise is suppressed and the resolution is enhanced with setting the survey station underground. 通过对比不同测点埋深的典型模型的正、反演结果,发现测点埋置在地下能够压制地面噪音,提高反演的分辨能力。
In the data forwarding module, the paper proposes using MAC address mapping to translate the addess of the data frame to ensure data frame in Station mode can be forwarded smoothly, and gives the implementation. 在数据转发模块中提出用MAC地址映射方式对数据帧地址转换,以保证在Station模式下数据帧能顺利转发,并给出了实现方法。
During the process of messages forwarding, sensor nodes divide themselves into multiple states based on the motion trends to the base station and using two communication frequencies: f1and f2. 在消息转发过程中,传感器节点使用f1和f2两个通信频率,并创新性地将节点相对于基站的运动划分为多个状态。